Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cassandra was right

Am I the only one who cynically shakes their head when all the so-called "pundits" act shocked that the economy is melting down? The US economy's been on a crack-binge since at least the 1990s. Some (myself included) would argue we've been driving the bus towards the cliff since what George H.W. Bush accurately called "voodoo economics" became official policy in 1981.
The only thing that surprises me is that it has taken this long for a day of reckoning. That said, we now face the dilemma any abusive personality faces - the painful hangover & struggle to "get clean" - or the easy and fatal choice to simply find another fix.
It seems to me there is no way to avoid the government (which really is just a manifestation of the collective will of the people) stepping in to pull the wall street crack-whores out of the drug-den they themselves set ablaze. One way or the other WE are going to pay for this. It will either be an attempt at orderly rescue & salvage by really smart people - or it will be Grapes-of-Wrath-2 with all of us as the new Joads. Either way it comes out of our pockets - and hides.
So, I'm resigned to the idea of a "government bailout" as the lesser of evils. However, I don't believe any major move - beyond that which is absolutely necessary and unavoidable - should be made by the current people in charge. They have consistently shown themselves to be at the very least profoundly incompetent and arguably the most corrupt group of insider pillagers in the history of this nation. Their legacy is nothing but lies and outright thievery of every American's heritage and birthright. Their "culture of ownership" is code for stealing from the "public" (you and me) and privatizing it by putting it in the pockets of their already powerful oligarch friends.
Gordon Gecko said "greed is good" these folks would clearly agree. I argue that they are a cancer on society who will eventually kill their host - ultimately bringing about their own demise. Which gets me to my point. Something must be done, but this close to a major power-shift, are these jackals the ones we want making the decision? I see it as one last chance to rape the American people before the cops arrive and they have to scramble to get back under their rock.